

The product purchased on CLOVER’s website is subject to the warranty provided by Italian Law.
This warranty covers defects and malfunctions of the products compared to the description on the CLOVER website.
The warranty does not cover product misuse or malfunctions resulting from poor maintenance.
The warranty covers only malfunctions due to defects in the production process or defects in the materials used in the product’s production process.
To obtain this guarantee, it is necessary:

  • Send an e-mail to customercare@clover.it describing the problem that occurred with the product.
  • Respond to CLOVER’s questions to check for misunderstanding or misuse of the product and avoid unnecessary expense to both parties.
  • Fill out the “warranty form,” specially sent by CLOVER, after the previous step if certificated that the issue is covered by warranty.
  • Pack the product reported as defective in its original packaging with all its accessories and documentation.
  • Deliver the package to a carrier for shipment to CLOVER.

CLOVER reserves the right to inspect the product and if Clover finds that it is defective, to repair or replace it at its sole discretion. If the product is found to be defective, CLOVER will return the repaired or replaced product at its own expense.
If the product is instead found to be free of defects, CLOVER will notify the Buyer by e-mail requesting payment in advance of the transportation costs to return the product.

Clover IT Srl
Via Tezze di Cereda, 32
36073 Cornedo Vicentino – Italy

CLOVER IT SRL è da sempre impegnata in attività di Ricerca e Sviluppo volte alla definizione, allo sviluppo e  all’ ingegnerizzazione relative a nuovi concetti di design, costruzioni tecniche, nonché sviluppo di nuovi materiali innovativi volti ad innovare le caratteristiche tecniche dei propri prodotti.

In ottemperanza agli adempimenti di trasparenza e pubblicità previsti ai sensi della Legge n. 124 del 4 agosto 2017 articolo 1 commi 125-129 (come sostituito dall’art. 35 del D.L. n. 34 del 30 aprile 2019) che ha imposto  a carico delle imprese l’obbligo di indicare sul proprio sito Internet “gli importi e le informazioni relativi a sovvenzioni, sussidi, vantaggi, contributi o aiuti, in denaro o in natura, non aventi carattere generale e privi di natura corrispettiva, retributiva o risarcitoria, agli stessi effettivamente erogati dalle pubbliche amministrazioni”, si riportano di seguito gli estremi dei relativi importi:

CLOVER IT SRL has always been engaged in R&D activities aimed at defining, developing and ‘engineering related to new design concepts, technical constructions, as well as development of new innovative materials aimed at innovating the technical characteristics of its products.

In compliance with the transparency and publicity requirements under Law no. 124 of August 4 2017 Article 1 paragraphs 125-129 (as replaced by Article 35 of Decree Law No. 34 of April 30, 2019), which imposed on companies to disclose on their website “amounts and information related to grants, subsidies, benefits, contributions or aid, in cash or in kind, not of a general nature and devoid of consideration, retributive or compensatory nature, to the same actually disbursed by the public administrations,” the details of the relevant amounts are given below: