No, we do not have an Outlet neither we have flagship stores as we prefer that our customers refer to the objective advice of salespeople who, based on their experience, will recommend the best garment for the customer’s need, regardless of the brand that produces it.
hello, by clicking on this link you will be taken to the map with all our stores, if you intend to try on a specific garment, please contact the seller by phone to make sure the product is in the store.
Click on the following link for information on how to wash a clover garment.
Click on the following link to open the clover garment size chart
To choose a jacket based on one’s needs, type of travel, motorcycle, etc. the advice of an experienced and trusted dealer is perhaps the best way.
Alternatively, you can ask us by mai indicating:
If already identified, Clover models you are particularly interested in:
Send your answers to
This is an operation that is not possible and highly discouraged.
Although by logic we would tend to think that more protective protectors corresponds to an increased in safety, this is not valid if the garment was designed and certified with other protections.
First and foremost, the garment you are wearing or intend to buy is certified as PPE, meaning it has been tested by independent laboratories under all possible conditions, including ground impact conditions.
Certification ensures the safety of the garment on a descending scale from AAA, AA, A , B , C
Altering the protectors inside the garment even with “better” protectors by an higher level of absorption could seriously compromise safety.
In fact, these protectors of wider shape, could at the moment of impact, move out from te correct position or at worst, force the arm into unnatural positions, exponentially increasing the risk to the user.
Needless to reiterate the opposite case as well, thinner protectors would move into the pocket dedicated to protection, so in the event of an accident they would almost certainly move from the impact site.
No one, not even the dealer can make these changes which would clearly invalidate the certification of the garment.
As the response regarding changing protection, only Clover protectors must and can be fitted on Clover garments, as the shape and the performances have been tested with the garment by independent laboratories.
click here to see which back protectors can be used on your jacket .
About sizes , all our garments at the height of the neck in the inner part of the jacket, have the size of the back protectors to be inserted, if for any reason there was not or if you have yet to purchase the garment, by clicking here you will find the size chart for each model and size of the protectors to be inserted, just scroll down the page.
two-year warranty
if within 14 days of purchase and with garment in perfect condition as delivered by us is returned to Clover, the user is entitled to a refund of the total value of the product or if the problem was the wrong size, the client can request the sending of the correct size free of charge (if this is available).
The cost and organization of shipping the item back to Clover is the responsibility of the customer.
Please make contact with
Please make contact with explaining your needs
Contact us for information on your order and our products.
Free shipping for orders over €200.
You have 14 days to make your return for free.
On your online payments are always protected.
Clover IT Srl
Via Tezze di Cereda, 32
36073 Cornedo Vicentino – Italy
Stay updated on products, offers and events
Clover motorcycle clothing and accessories.
Clover IT Srl
Via Tezze di Cereda, 32
36073 Cornedo Vicentino – Italy
CLOVER IT SRL è da sempre impegnata in attività di Ricerca e Sviluppo volte alla definizione, allo sviluppo e all’ ingegnerizzazione relative a nuovi concetti di design, costruzioni tecniche, nonché sviluppo di nuovi materiali innovativi volti ad innovare le caratteristiche tecniche dei propri prodotti.
In ottemperanza agli adempimenti di trasparenza e pubblicità previsti ai sensi della Legge n. 124 del 4 agosto 2017 articolo 1 commi 125-129 (come sostituito dall’art. 35 del D.L. n. 34 del 30 aprile 2019) che ha imposto a carico delle imprese l’obbligo di indicare sul proprio sito Internet “gli importi e le informazioni relativi a sovvenzioni, sussidi, vantaggi, contributi o aiuti, in denaro o in natura, non aventi carattere generale e privi di natura corrispettiva, retributiva o risarcitoria, agli stessi effettivamente erogati dalle pubbliche amministrazioni”, si riportano di seguito gli estremi dei relativi importi:
CLOVER IT SRL has always been engaged in R&D activities aimed at defining, developing and ‘engineering related to new design concepts, technical constructions, as well as development of new innovative materials aimed at innovating the technical characteristics of its products.
In compliance with the transparency and publicity requirements under Law no. 124 of August 4 2017 Article 1 paragraphs 125-129 (as replaced by Article 35 of Decree Law No. 34 of April 30, 2019), which imposed on companies to disclose on their website “amounts and information related to grants, subsidies, benefits, contributions or aid, in cash or in kind, not of a general nature and devoid of consideration, retributive or compensatory nature, to the same actually disbursed by the public administrations,” the details of the relevant amounts are given below: